Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sandwich structured composite

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A sandwich structured composite is a special class of composite materials that is fabricated by attaching two thin but stiff skins to a lightweight but thick core. The core material is normally low strength material, but its higher thickness provides the sandwich composite with high bending stiffness with overall low density.



Diagram of an assembled composite sandwich (A), and its constituent face sheets or skins (B) and honeycomb core (C) (alternately: foam core)

Open and closed cell structured foam, balsa wood and syntactic foam, and composite honeycomb are commonly used core materials. Glass or carbon fiber reinforced laminates are widely used as skin materials. Sheet metal is also used as skin materials in some cases. The 1940 de Havilland Mosquito was built with sandwich composites, the balsa-wood core had on both sides plywood as the skin.[1]

Metal composite material (MCM) is a type of sandwich formed from two thin skins of metal bonded to a plastic core in a continuous process under controlled pressure, heat, and tension.[2]

Recycled paper is also now being used over a closed-cell recycled craft honeycomb core, creating a lightweight, strong and fully repulpable composite board. This material is being used for applications including point-of-purchase displays, bulkheads, recyclable office furniture, exhibition stands and wall dividers.

To fix different panels, among other solutions, are normally use a transition zone, which is a gradual reduction of the core height, until the two fiber skins are in touch. In this place, the fixation can be made by means of bolts, rivets or adhesive.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Quality Function Deployment (2)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


While originally developed for manufacturing industries, interest in the use of QFD-based ideas in software development commenced with work by R. J. Thackeray and G. Van Treeck,[5] for example in Object-oriented programming[6] and use case driven software development.[7]

Since its early use in the United States, QFD met with initial enthusiasm then plummeting popularity when it was discovered that much time could be wasted if poor group decision making techniques were employed. Organizational/corporate culture has an effect on the ability to change organizational human processes and on the sustainability of the changes. In particular, in organizations exhibiting strong cultural norms and rich sets of tacit assumptions that prevent objective discussion of historical courses of action, QFD may be resisted due to its ability to expose tacit assumptions and unspoken rules. It has been suggested that a learning organization can more easily overcome these issues due to the more transparent nature of the organizational culture and to the readiness of the membership to discuss relevant cultural norms.

image QFD House of Quality for Enterprise Product Development Processes

Techniques and tools based on QFD

House of Quality

House of Quality appeared in 1972 in the design of an oil tanker by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.[8][citation needed] Akao has reiterated numerous times that a House of Quality is not QFD, it is just an example of one tool.[9]

A Flash tutorial exists showing the build process of the traditional QFD "House of Quality" (HOQ).[10] (Although this example may violate QFD principles, the basic sequence of HOQ building are illustrative.) There are also free QFD templates available that walk users through the process of creating a House of Quality.[11]

Other tools extend the analysis beyond quality to cost, technology, reliability, function, parts, technology, manufacturing, and service deployments.

In addition, the same technique can extend the method into the constituent product subsystems, configuration items, assemblies, and parts. From these detail level components, fabrication and assembly process QFD charts can be developed to support statistical process control techniques.

Pugh concept selection

Pugh Concept Selection can be used in coordination with QFD to select a promising product or service configuration from among listed alternatives.

Modular Function Deployment

Modular Function Deployment uses QFD to establish customer requirements and to identify important design requirements with a special emphasis on modularity.

Relationship to other techniques

The QFD-associated "Hoshin Kanri" process somewhat resembles Management by objectives (MBO), but adds a significant element in the goal setting process, called "catchball". Use of these Hoshin techniques by U.S. companies such as Hewlett Packard have been successful in focusing and aligning company resources to follow stated strategic goals throughout an organizational hierarchy.

Since the early introduction of QFD, the technique has been developed to shorten the time span and reduce the required group efforts (such as Richard Zultner's Blitz QFD).

More About QFD? Contact Me

Quality function deployment (1)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quality function deployment (QFD) is a “method to transform user demands into design quality, to deploy the functions forming quality, and to deploy methods for achieving the design quality into subsystems and component parts, and ultimately to specific elements of the manufacturing process.” [1], as described by Dr. Yoji Akao, who originally developed QFD in Japan in 1966, when the author combined his work in quality assurance and quality control points with function deployment used in Value Engineering.

QFD is designed to help planners focus on characteristics of a new or existing product or service from the viewpoints of market segments, company, or technology-development needs. The technique yields graphs and matrices.

QFD helps transform customer needs (the voice of the customer [VOC]) into engineering characteristics (and appropriate test methods) for a product or service, prioritizing each product or service characteristic while simultaneously setting development targets for product or service.

Areas of application

QFD is applied in a wide variety of services, consumer products, military needs (such as the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter[2]), and emerging technology products. The technique is also used to identify and document competitive marketing strategies and tactics (see example QFD House of Quality for Enterprise Product Development, at right). QFD is considered a key practice of Design for Six Sigma (DFSS - as seen in the referenced roadmap).[3] It is also implicated in the new ISO 9000:2000 standard which focuses on customer satisfaction.

Results of QFD have been applied in Japan and elsewhere into deploying the high-impact controllable factors in Strategic planning and Strategic management (also known as Hoshin Kanri, Hoshin Planning,[4] or Policy Deployment).

Acquiring market needs by listening to the Voice of Customer (VOC), sorting the needs, and numerically prioritizing them (using techniques such as the Analytic Hierarchy Process) are the early tasks in QFD. Traditionally, going to the Gemba (the "real place" where value is created for the customer) is where these customer needs are evidenced and compiled.

While many books and articles on "how to do QFD" are available, there is a relative paucity of example matrices available. QFD matrices become highly proprietary due to the high density of product or service information found therein.

Notable U.S. companies using QFD techniques include the U.S. automobile manufacturers General Motors, Ford, Chrysler LLC, and their suppliers, as well as IBM, Raytheon, General Electric, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Eaton Corporation and many others.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Design in Manufacturing Engineering (3)

Philosophies and studies of design

There are countless philosophies for guiding design as the design values and its accompanying aspects within modern design vary, both between different schools of thought and among practicing designers. Design philosophies are usually for determining design goals. A design goal may range from solving the least significant individual problem of the smallest element to the most holistic influential utopian goals. Design goals are usually for guiding design. However, conflicts over immediate and minor goals may lead to questioning the purpose of design, perhaps to set better long term or ultimate goals.

Philosophies for guiding design

A design philosophy is a guide to help make choices when designing such as ergonomics, costs, economics, functionality and methods of re-design. An example of a design philosophy is “dynamic change” to achieve the elegant or stylish look you need.

Approaches to design

A design approach is a general philosophy that may or may not include a guide for specific methods. Some are to guide the overall goal of the design. Other approaches are to guide the tendencies of the designer. A combination of approaches may be used if they don't conflict.

Some popular approaches include:

  • KISS principle, (Keep it Simple Stupid, etc.), which strives to eliminate unnecessary complications.
  • There is more than one way to do it (TIMTOWTDI), a philosophy to allow multiple methods of doing the same thing.
  • Use-centered design, which focuses on the goals and tasks associated with the use of the artifact, rather than focusing on the end user.
  • User-centered design, which focuses on the needs, wants, and limitations of the end user of the designed artifact.

Philosophies for methods of designing

Main article: Design methods

Design Methods is a broad area that focuses on:

  • Exploring possibilities and constraints by focusing critical thinking skills to research and define problem spaces for existing products or services—or the creation of new categories; (see also Brainstorming)
  • Redefining the specifications of design solutions which can lead to better guidelines for traditional design activities (graphic, industrial, architectural, etc.);
  • Managing the process of exploring, defining, creating artifacts continually over time
  • Prototyping possible scenarios, or solutions that incrementally or significantly improve the inherited situation
  • Trendspotting; understanding the trend process.

Philosophies for the purpose of designs

In philosophy, the abstract noun "design" refers to a pattern with a purpose. Design is thus contrasted with purposelessness, randomness, or lack of complexity.

To study the purpose of designs, beyond individual goals (e.g. marketing, technology, education, entertainment, hobbies), is to question the controversial politics, morals, ethics and needs such as Maslow's hierarchy of needs. "Purpose" may also lead to existential questions such as religious morals and teleology. These philosophies for the "purpose of" designs are in contrast to philosophies for guiding design or methodology.

Often a designer (especially in commercial situations) is not in a position to define purpose. Whether a designer is, is not, or should be concerned with purpose or intended use beyond what they are expressly hired to influence, is debatable, depending on the situation. Not understanding or disinterest in the wider role of design in society might also be attributed to the commissioning agent or client, rather than the designer.

In structuration theory, achieving consensus and fulfillment of purpose is as continuous as society. Raised levels of achievement often lead to raised expectations. design is both medium and outcome generating a Janus like face, with every ending marking a new beginning.


Fig. 3. A 1938 Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic from the Ralph Lauren collection. "Form follows function" can be an aesthetic point of view that a design can heighten, as often seen in the work of the Bugattis, Ettore, Rembrandt, and Jean.

Design in Manufacturing Engineering (4)


The word "design" is often considered ambiguous depending on the application.

Design and art

Design is often viewed as a more rigorous form of art, or art with a clearly defined purpose. The distinction is usually made when someone other than the artist is defining the purpose. In graphic arts the distinction is often made between fine art and commercial art.

In the realm of the arts, design is more relevant to the "applied" arts, such as architecture and industrial design. In fact today the term design is widely associated to modern industrial product design as initiated by Raymond Loewy and teachings at the Bauhaus and Ulm School of Design (HfG Ulm) in Germany during the 20th Century.

Design implies a conscious effort to create something that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. For example, a graphic artist may design an advertisement poster. This person's job is to communicate the advertisement message (functional aspect) and to make it look good (aesthetically pleasing). The distinction between pure and applied arts is not completely clear, but one may consider Jackson Pollock's (often criticized as "splatter") paintings as an example of pure art. One may assume his art does not convey a message based on the obvious differences between an advertisement poster and the mere possibility of an abstract message of a Jackson Pollock painting. One may speculate that Pollock, when painting, worked more intuitively than would a graphic artist, when consciously designing a poster. However, Mark Getlein suggests the principles of design are "almost instinctive", "built-in", "natural", and part of "our sense of 'rightness'." Pollock, as a trained artist, may have utilized design whether conscious or not.


Fig. 4. The new terminal at Barajas airport in Madrid, Spain







Design and Engineering

Engineering is often viewed as a more rigorous form of design. Contrary views suggest that design is a component of engineering aside from production and other operations which utilize engineering. A neutral view may suggest that both design and engineering simply overlap, depending on the discipline of design. The American Heritage Dictionary defines design as: "To conceive or fashion in the mind; invent," and "To formulate a plan", and defines engineering as: "The application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as the design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems.". Both are forms of problem-solving with a defined distinction being the application of "scientific and mathematical principles". How much science is applied in a design is a question of what is considered "science". Along with the question of what is considered science, there is social science versus natural science. Scientists at Xerox PARC made the distinction of design versus engineering at "moving minds" versus "moving atoms".

image Fig. 5. A drawing for a booster engine for steam locomotives. Engineering is applied to design, with emphasis on function and the utilization of mathematics and science.

Design and Production

The relationship between design and production is one of planning and executing. In theory, the plan should anticipate and compensate for potential problems in the execution process. Design involves problem-solving and creativity. In contrast, production involves a routine or pre-planned process. A design may also be a mere plan that does not include a production or engineering process, although a working knowledge of such processes is usually expected of designers. In some cases, it may be unnecessary and/or impractical to expect a designer with a broad multidisciplinary knowledge required for such designs to also have a detailed knowledge of how to produce the product.

Design and production are intertwined in many creative professional careers, meaning problem-solving is part of execution and the reverse. As the cost of rearrangement increases, the need for separating design from production increases as well. For example, a high-budget project, such as a skyscraper, requires separating (design) architecture from (production) construction. A Low-budget project, such as a locally printed office party invitation flyer, can be rearranged and printed dozens of times at the low cost of a few sheets of paper, a few drops of ink, and less than one hour's pay of a desktop publisher.

This is not to say that production never involves problem-solving or creativity, nor that design always involves creativity. Designs are rarely perfect and are sometimes repetitive. The imperfection of a design may task a production position (e.g. production artist, construction worker) with utilizing creativity or problem-solving skills to compensate for what was overlooked in the design process. Likewise, a design may be a simple repetition (copy) of a known preexisting solution, requiring minimal, if any, creativity or problem-solving skills from the designer.


Fig. 6. Jonathan Ive has received several awards for his design of Apple Inc. products like this laptop. In some design fields, personal computers are also used for both design and production



Process Design

"Process design" (in contrast to "design process") refers to the planning of routine steps of a process aside from the expected result. Processes (in general) are treated as a product of design, not the method of design. The term originated with the industrial designing of chemical processes. With the increasing complexities of the information age, consultants and executives have found the term useful to describe the design of business processes as well as manufacturing processes.

image Fig. 7. An example of a business workflow process using Business Process Modeling Notation.

Using Music to Recall Information

The human mind is a very interesting thing and it is amazing how our memory works. Often college students study while listening to music. Unfortunately, while taking the test they are not allowed to listen to the music and therefore it might be harder to recall the information.

This is because their brain has attached the information they were studying to the music they were listening to at the time, and it does this automatically. Thus, they need that music playing to recall the information to answer the questions on the tests.

Of course, there is another way to do this, one that will actually help the college students recall information even faster. The best way to do this is to play only two or three songs over and over and over again while you're studying for your test. Then while taking the test sing those songs in your mind over and over again, all the information will come as fluidly as you would ever believe. This technique actually works.

Another thing that I used to do in college is study with a gal who wore a certain perfume, who also sat two seats away from me in class. Since I can always smell the perfume in class, and since we studied together, this helped my recall.

It was something I did purposely because I understood how the brain works. The same thing is true when using music to help you recall information, these techniques work, and they work well. All you are doing is using tricks of the brain due to the way it works and its basic structure. Please consider all this.

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. Lance Winslow is also Founder of the Car Wash Guys, a cool little Franchise Company;

Article Source:

Design In Manufacturing Engineering (2)


Design as a process can take many forms depending on the object being designed and the individual or individuals participating.

Defining a design process

According to video game developer Dino Dini in a talk given at the 2005 Game Design and Technology Workshop held by Liverpool JM University, design underpins every form of creation from objects such as chairs to the way we plan and execute our lives. For this reason it is useful to seek out some common structure that can be applied to any kind of design, whether this be for video games, consumer products or one's own personal life.

For such an important concept, the question "What is Design?" appears to yield answers with limited usefulness. Dino Dini states that the design process can be defined as "The management of constraints". He identifies two kinds of constraint, negotiable and non-negotiable. The first step in the design process is the identification, classification and selection of constraints. The process of design then proceeds from here by manipulating design variables so as to satisfy the non-negotiable constraints and optimizing those which are negotiable. It is possible for a set of non-negotiable constraints to be in conflict resulting in a design with no solution; in this case the non-negotiable constraints must be revised. For example, take the design of a chair. A chair must support a certain weight to be useful, and this is a non-negotiable constraint. The cost of producing the chair might be another. The choice of materials and the aesthetic qualities of the chair might be negotiable.


Fig. 1. Design, when applied to fashion, includes considering aesthetics as well as function in the final form.






Dino Dini theorizes that poor designs occur as a result of mismanaged constraints, something he claims can be seen in the way the video game industry makes "Must be Fun" a negotiable constraint where he believes it should be non-negotiable.

It should be noted that "the management of constraints" may not include the whole of what is involved in "constraint management" as defined in the context of a broader Theory of Constraints, depending on the scope of a design or a designer's position.


Something that is redesigned requires a different process than something that is designed for the first time. A redesign often includes an evaluation of the existent design and the findings of the redesign needs are often the ones that drive the redesign process.

Typical steps

A design process may include a series of steps followed by designers. Depending on the product or service, some of these stages may be irrelevant, ignored in real-world situations in order to save time, reduce cost, or because they may be redundant in the situation.

Typical stages of the design process include:

These stages are not universally accepted but do relate typical design process activities. For each activity there are many best practices for completing them.


Fig. 2. An architect at his drawing board, 1893. The Peter Arno phrase "Well, back to the old drawing board" makes light of the fact that designs sometimes fail and redesign is necessary. The phrase has meaning beyond structural designs and is an idiom when a drawing board is not used in a design.

Design In Manufacturing Engineering (1)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Designs)

Design is the planning that lays the basis for the making of every object or system. It can be used both as a noun and as a verb and, in a broader way, it means applied arts and engineering (See design disciplines below). As a verb, "to design" refers to the process of originating and developing a plan for a product, structure, system, or component with intention. As a noun, "a design" is used for either the final (solution) plan (e.g. proposal, drawing, model, description) or the result of implementing that plan in the form of the final product of a design process. This classification aside, in its broadest sense no other limitations exist and the final product can be anything from socks and jewelry to graphical user interfaces and charts. Even virtual concepts such as corporate identity and cultural traditions such as celebration of certain holidays are sometimes designed. More recently, processes (in general) have also been treated as products of design, giving new meaning to the term "process design".

The person designing is called a designer, which is also a term used for people who work professionally in one of the various design areas, usually also specifying which area is being dealt with (such as a fashion designer, concept designer or web designer). Designing often requires a designer to consider the aesthetic, functional, and many other aspects of an object or a process, which usually requires considerable research, thought, modeling, interactive adjustment, and re-design.

With such a broad definition, there is no universal language or unifying institution for designers of all disciplines. This allows for many differing philosophies and approaches toward the subject. However, serious study of design demands increased focus on the design process.

Time Management at Work

Are you one of those who work for long hours each day, and still feel that the day had to be longer than 24 hours? You will have a boss to manage, your clients to answer, deadlines to meet, meetings to attend, and other requirements to be fulfilled to sustain your job. But, you can attend to all of these and more; if you understand the importance and steps to proper time management. We cannot expand time, but we can change ourselves to attain what we want to.

You can start managing yourselves by planning your day at work. Purchase a work diary. Make a list of tasks that you ought to complete on a particular workday, and then prioritize them, based on urgency. This list should include the meetings you need to attend, the phone calls you ought to make, and other routine activities. While you prepare the list of tasks, you need to keep enough number of breaks also in mind. If not a plan for the day, you can even create a plan for the whole week. However, you need to place the activities that are short at the top of the list.

Next you can allocate time for each task in the list. But, you need to plan it out in such a way that you are able to mix and work on longer and shorter tasks. It does not make much sense to keep all longer tasks together. Similarly, try to blend in small tasks that you enjoy doing along with long, monotonous jobs, to break the boredom and inefficiency resulting from it. While you assign time for the tasks, you should take care to assign a few minutes of buffer time for each task, irrespective of how long or short it is. This will help you to remain on track even if you are interrupted while you work on a task, something like a telephone call.

Against the time you estimated for an activity, you need to record the actual time you have taken as well. This comparison will help you to understand the element at work that steals away your time, without your being aware of it. If you genuinely took more time to complete something, you can allocate a little longer time for such tasks in the succeeding plans.

Apart from this, there might be days when you are a little relaxed, and do not have much to do. The rule is not to idle around and waste this time. You can manage this spare time effectively to plan for future tasks or activities. You can even use this time to clear your desk, clean up your desktop, or create templates or letters for future use.

Joe Daley
Logo Design Ideas at

Article Source:

Joe Daley - EzineArticles Expert Author



Sunardi Tjandra

Prodi Teknik Manufaktur, Universitas Surabaya


Produksi massal merupakan salah satu aktifitas dalam dunia industri yang sangat dominan, berkisar 60-80% dari semua aktifitas produksi. Kesulitan utama yang sering ditemui dalam produksi massal adalah menghasilkan sebuah produk, dengan varian yang cukup banyak, sehingga desainer harus merancang sebanyak jumlah varian yang diinginkan. Salah satu tahap perancangan adalah penggambaran komponen, baik secara manual maupun berbantuan software CAD. Jika ingin menggambar varian komponen yang bentuk dan dimensinya hampir sama dengan komponen yang sudah digambar, desainer harus mencari file gambar tersebut berdasarkan nama gambar yang sudah diberikan sebelumnya. Setelah menemukannya, barulah desainer dapat melakukan penggambaran ataupun pengembangan dari gambar tersebut. Proses mencari file gambar, sampai penggambaran ulang membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama, apalagi jika komponen yang akan dirancang memiliki varian yang banyak. Hal ini tentu saja mempengaruhi biaya produksi, terkait dengan waktu produksi yang semakin lama sehingga produk tidak dapat diselesaikan tepat pada waktunya.

Group Technology (GT) merupakan filosofi dimana beberapa masalah adalah sama, masalah yang sama tersebut dikelompokkan lalu dibuat sebuah pemecahan tunggal untuk mengatasi hal tersebut sehingga menghemat waktu dan tenaga. Dalam aplikasinya, GT bermanfaat untuk mengoptimasi perencanaan dalam proses manufaktur, karena bentuk yang sama mengacu pada proses manufaktur sama untuk material yang sama. Sistem pengkodean Opitz (Opitz Coding System) dalam GT sangat membantu dalam mengetahui golongan suatu komponen, sehingga desainer dapat dengan mudah mengidentifikasi komponen yang sudah ada maupun yang baru. Hal ini dikarenakan, semua komponen yang mempunyai kemiripan bentuk dan dimensi akan digolongkan. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, dilakukan perancangan program sistem pengkodean Opitz dengan menggunakan Pro/Engineer, yang bertujuan untuk mereduksi jumlah gambar melalui standarisasi, serta mereduksi proses menggambar ulang produk yang sudah ada.

Dalam pembuatan program ini, terlebih dahulu dilakukan pemodelan komponen dengan fitur-fitur yang disesuaikan dengan sistem Opitz menggunakan Pro/Engineer Selanjutnya membuat pengelompokan fitur-fitur ke dalam 5 digit kode berdasarkan kemiripan fitur dasar dari komponen tersebut. Kelima digit tersebut terdiri dari: part class, external shape and elements, internal shape and elements, plane-surface machining, dan auxiliary holes and gear teeth. Setelah itu dilakukan pembuatan program dengan menggunakan Pro/Program, sehingga desainer hanya perlu menginput 5 digit kode sesuai dengan varian komponen yang diinginkan. Setelah program selesai, dilakukan verifikasi terhadap program tersebut, untuk mengetahui apakah program yang dibuat sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Hasil keluaran program berupa gambar model 3D, sehingga desainer hanya perlu melakukan modifikasi dimensi atau menambahkan fitur lain yang tidak terdapat dalam sistem kode. Selanjutnya komponen tersebut dapat langsung ditampilkan dalam bentuk gambar kerja, beserta dimensi dan penjelasan lainnya. Dengan program ini, desainer lebih mudah dalam membuat gambar komponen yang mempunyai kemiripan fitur dasar tanpa harus menggambar dari awal sehingga dapat menghemat waktu dan tenaga serta mendukung proses pengembangan produk.

Kata kunci : opitz, coding, program, perancangan produk, group technology

 verifikasi program

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Overview of Rapid Prototyping

Rapid prototyping is the method for the creation of parts derived from 3D CAD data. The derived part is decomposed into slices (down to 0.003 inches thick), and SLA, STL builds the part a layer at a time. The contour and interior of a slice are created using a laser to solidify liquid polymer.
The first step is to translate a CAD file into surface model. The current industry standard format for this data is called STL. Most industry CAD packages have built in translation for this type of file. The file is then sliced into many layers like a stack of playing cards. This is known as an slice file or SLI. These SLI files are loaded digitally into the machine which drives the motions of a laser. Parts can be expensive, driven by the 4-24 hour build times and the expensive materials. One consideration is the brittle nature of the SLA model. Care should be taken in handling the produced parts. I have found that the rapid prototype process very helpful in concept, fit and assembly review during the design and development process.

Due to the nature of the process, rapid prototyping is a very easy process to design for. The primary difficulty lies in avoiding large, thin sections which tend to warp while curing. Trapped volumes should also be avoided. To overcome a trapped volume, there are techniques available, but these can impact build times, quality and design intent.
• Fill trapped volumes with the CAD model before file conversion.
• Change the geometry. The part can be built in sections This procedure will eliminate the trap, but once again, it can affect quality due to the bonding of parts.
• The part can be built with an manufacturing hole to the trapped volume. This will eliminate the trapped volume but, add unintended geometry to the prototype.

© Copyright 2000 - 2009, by Engineers Edge, All rights reserved.

Friday, June 26, 2009

An Overview of the Design Process (2) cont.

Concept generation
Typically, designers capture their ideas by sketching them on paper. Annotation helps identify key points so that their ideas can be communicated with other members of the company.

There are a number of techniques available to the designer to aid the development of new concepts. One of the most popular is brainstorming.

This technique involves generating ideas, typically in small groups, by saying any idea that comes into your head no matter how silly it may seem. This usually sparks ideas from other team members. By the end of a brainstorming session there will be a list of ideas, most useless, but some may have the potential to be developed into a concept. Brainstorming works better if the members of the team have different areas of expertise.

Concept evaluation
Once a suitable number of concepts have been generated, it is necessary to choose the design most suitable for to fulfil the requirements set out in the PDS. The product design specification should be used as the basis of any decision being made. Ideally a multifunction design team should perform this task so that each concept can be evaluated from a number of angles or perspectives. The chosen concept will be developed in detail.

One useful technique for evaluating concepts to decide on which one is the best is to use a technique called 'matrix evaluation'

With matrix evaluation a table is produced listing important the features required from a product - usually this list is drawn up from the important features described in the product design specification. The products are listed across the table. The first concept is the benchmark concept. The quality of the other concepts are compared against the benchmark concept for the required features, to help identify if the concept is better, worse than, or is the same as the benchmark concept. The design with the most 'better than' is likely to be the best concept to develop further.

Most people who use the matrix technique will assign points, rather than simple, better, worse, same, so that it is easier to identify which concepts are the best. It is also likely that some features of the design will be more important than others so a weighting is used.

Detail design
In this stage of the design process, the chosen concept design is designed in detailed with all the dimensions and specifications necessary to make the design specified on a detailed drawing of the design.

It may be necessary to produce prototypes to test ideas at this stage. The designer should also work closely with manufacture to ensure that the product can be made.

An Overview of the Design Process (1)

Design is the process by which the needs of the customer or the marketplace are transformed into a product satisfying these needs. It is usually carried out a designer or engineer but requires help from other people in the company.

Design essentially is an exercise in problem solving. Typically, the design of a new product consists of the following stages:

The development of a new product may also require the development of a prototype to prove that new technologies work before committing resources to full-scale manufacture.

The traditional view of the design to manufacture process is that it is a sequential process, the outcome of one stage is passed on to the next stage. This tends to lead to iteration in the design. I.e. having to go back to an earlier stage to correct mistakes. This can make products more expensive and delivered to the marketplace late. A better approach is for the designer to consider the stages following design to try and eliminate any potential problems. This means that the designer requires help from the other experts in the company for example the manufacturing expert to help ensure that any designs the designer comes up with can be made.

So what factors might a designer have to consider in order to eliminate iteration?

* Manufacture - Can the product be made with our facilities?
* Sales - Are we producing a product that the customer wants?
* Purchasing - Are the parts specified in stock, or do why have to order them?
* Cost - Is the design going to cost too much to make?
* Transport - Is the product the right size for the method of transporting?
* Disposal - How will the product be disposed at the end of its life?

Design Brief
The design brief is typically a statement of intent. I.e. "We will design and make a Formula One racing car". Although it states the problem, it isn't enough information with which to start designing.

Product Design Specification (PDS)
This is possibly the most important stage of the design process and yet one of the least understood stage. It is important that before you produce a 'solution' there is a true understanding of the actual problem. The PDS is a document listing the problem in detail. It is important to work with the customer and analyse the marketplace to produce a list of requirements necessary to produce a successful product. The designer should constantly refer back to this document to ensure designs are appropriate.

To produce the PDS it is likely that you will have to research the problem and analyse competing products and all important points and discoveries should be included in your PDS.

Concept Design
Using the PDS as the basis, the designer attempts to produce an outline of a solution. A conceptual design is a usually an outline of key components and their arrangement with the details of the design left for a later stage. For example, a concept design for a car might consist of a sketch showing a car with four wheels and the engine mounted at the front of the car. The exact details of the components such as the diameter of the wheels or the size of the engine are determined at the detail design stage. However, the degree of detail generated at the conceptual design stage will vary depending on the product being designed.

It is important when designing a product that you not only consider the product design specification but you also consider the activities downstream of the design stage. Downstream activities typically are manufacture, sales, transportation etc. By considering these stages early, you can eliminate problems that may occur at these stages.

This stage of the design involves drawing up a number of different viable concept designs which satisfy the requirements of the product outlined in the PDS and then evaluating them to decide on the most suitable to develop further. Hence, concept design can be seen as a two-stage process of concept generation and concept evaluation

Nice Design: Modern Urban Folding Bike

Genius is a modern urban folding bike, ideal for commuters who need to travel short distances of 10 to 20 minutes between underground stations, the workplace and the home. It still rolls when folded and can therefore be comfortably used even in large congested cities. The compact design of the Genius ensures unlimited mobility. It can be carried, rolled or ridden, and with its well-thought-out functional and ergonomic design and release mechanism it is easy to handle. The aerodynamic look of the Genius makes it clear that this is not a child?s bike. Its three gears provide the necessary speed, and the bike can be unfolded and refolded within three seconds thanks to a convenient kick-bar and push-down / pull-up handle system. Made of aluminum (80 per cent) and stainless steel (10 per cent) it is lightweight, stable and 90 per cent recyclable.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Keilmuan dan Prospek Kerja Teknik Manufaktur

Keilmuan Teknik Manufaktur sangat prospektif dan memiliki jangkauan yang cukup luas. Hal ini karena segala aktifitas keilmuannya dapat mencakup seluruh aspek kehidupan dan menjadi tumpuan bidang keilmuan lainnya.

Seperti halnya terjadi pada beberapa negara maju, bidang keilmuan teknik manufaktur menjadi bagian yang mendominasi aktifitas sektor industri dan menjadi sektor potensial dalam menunjang sektor pertanian, pertambangan, infrastruktur dan sektor keuangan. Umumnya tumbuh dan berkembangnya suatu negara menjadi negara maju, serta meningkatnya perdagangan industri, selalu ditandai dengan tumbuh pesatnya sektor industri manufaktur dan rekayasa (sebagai penopang pergerakan sektor lainya) yang ditunjang oleh sektor perdagangan yang stabil.

Demikian juga di Indonesia, sektor industri manufaktur memiliki peranan yang sangat berarti dalam menaikkan pertumbuhan ekonomi, disamping sektor riil dan infrastruktur. Jika memperhatikan perkembangan secara menyeluruh mulai tahun 1970 an sampai saat ini, industri manufaktur berperanan penting dalam menyumbangkan produk domestik bruto (PDB). Tahun 1973, menyumbangkan sebesar 9.6 % pada PDB, tahun 1996 konstribusinya meningkat menjadi 25.4 % dan tahun 2000 an meningkat konstribusinya menjadi sekitar 30% dari total peningkatan (PDB).

Berdasarkan hal tersebut sesungguhnya industri manufaktur telah menempatkan diri sebagai tumpuan harapan dan motor penggerak sektor lainnya, bahkan pada saat Indonesia dalam kondisi krisis seperti ini.

Fenomena produk Cina adalah contoh lain bagaimana peranan industri manufaktur dalam menunjang perekonomian suatu negara. Saat ini Cina telah menjadi sebuah negara dengan sektor industri manufaktur merajai kawasan negara-negara berkembang seperti kawasan Asia Tenggara. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan membanjirnya produk-produk manufaktur dari Cina, mulai dari yang sederhana seperti mainan anak-anak, peralatan rumah tangga sampai yang berteknologi tinggi seperti sepeda motor, mesin-mesin otomasi dan sebagainya.

1. Prospek Pekerjaan bidang Industri Manufaktur
Sejalan dengan kontribusinya dalam mengangkat perekonomian suatu negara, industri manufaktur juga berperan di dalam penyedia lapangan kerja. Di Indonesia kontribusi berbagai bidang industri dalam penyediaan lapangan kerja ditunjukkan pada diagram berikut ini:

2. Bidang Kerja Teknik Manufaktur dan Kategori Industri Manufaktur
Sesuai dengan keilmuan dan ruang lingkup industri manufaktur, prospek kerja sarjana lulusan teknik manufaktur meliputi berbagai bidang kerja sebagai berikut:

Product Design and Developtment (perancangan dan pengembangan produk): melakukan perancangan dan pengembangan produk, untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup namusia maupun untuk keperluan peralatan (produk) industri.

Process Planner (perencana proses produksi): melakukan analisa dan perencanaan tahapan proses produksi untuk membuat produk manufaktur

Production Engineer (pengawas dan pengendali produksi): Melakukan pengawasan dan bertindak agar proses produksi dapat berlangsung dengan baik

Maintenance Engineer : melakukan perawatan/perbaikan fasilitas dan peralatan produksi

Production Planer and Inventory Controller : melakukan pengelolaan system produksi/manufaktur, seperti penjadwalan produksi, mengatur persedian bahan baku optimasi proses produksi dsb

Quality Control Engineer : melakukan pengendaian kualitas produk

Sales Engineer : melakukan aktifitas penjualan dan pemasaran produk manufaktur.

Entrepreneur (wirausaha)



Contoh Pengembangan Produk Manufaktur

Sebagai contoh permasalahan di dalam perancangan dan pembuatan produk manufaktur, berikut ini diilustrasikan bagaimana permasalahan di dalam perancangan dan pembuatan paper clip. Paper clip, benda yang sangat sederhana yang kita jumpai sehari-hari, dikembangkan pertamakali oleh Johan Vaaler, seorang warganegara Norwegia dan menerima hak paten pada tahun 1901.

Anggaplah bahwa kita akan memproduksi paper clip. Sebelum proses produksi berlangsung, langkah pertama adalah merancang paper clips tersebut. Pada proses merancang produk tersebut, berbagai pertanyaan akan muncul, material jenis apa yang akan dipilih untuk membuat produk tersebut? Apakah material logam atau non logam seperti plastik? Jika dipilih logam, logam jenis apa? Jika dipilih material kawat, berapakah diameternya? Apakah penampangnya harus berbentuk bundar atau ada yang berbentuk lain? Jika kehalusan permukaan kawatnya penting, seberapa kasar seharusnya? Bagaimana caranya membentuk paper clip dari kawat tersebut? Apakah ditekuk dengan tangan atau dengan menggunakan alat bantu? Jika diperlukan, mesin apa yang harus dirancang atau dibeli untuk membuat memproduksinya? Jika sebagai perusahaan mendapatkan order 100 buah clip atau 1 juta clip, apakah pendekatan manufakturnya akan berbeda?

Kekakuan dan kekuatan juga tergantung kepada diameter kawat dan desain klip. Termasuk di dalam proses perancangan adalah pertimbangan-pertimbangan seperti jenis (style), penampilan fisik (appearance) dan kehalusan permukaan dari clip tersebut. Perhatikan, misalnya, bahwa beberapa jenis klip memiliki goresan di permukaannya, untuk memberikan gaya tekan yang lebih baik.

Setelah menyelesaikan perancangan, material yang cocok harus dipilih. Pemilihan material memerlukan pengetahuan tentang kebutuhan akan fungsi dan pemakaian produk tersebut, dan ini mengarahkan kepada pemilihan material yang tersedia secara ekonomis untuk memenuhi tuntutan tersebut pada harga yang sedapat mungkin paling murah. Pemilihan material juga melibatkan pertimbangan akan ketahanannya terhadap korosi, karena clip seringkali dipegang dan kontak dengan kotoran serta gangguan lingkungan lainnya. Perhatikan, kadang-kadang ada bekas karat akibat yang ditinggalkan oleh clip pada kertas yang disimpan pada waktu yang lama.
Banyak hal tentang clip ini yang harus ditanyakan. Apakah material yang dipilih bisa menahan lekukan (bending) pada saat proses pembuatan, tanpa retak atau patah? Bisakah kawat dipotong tanpa mengakibatkan keausan pada pisaunya? Akankah bekas potongannya halus atau meninggalkan permukaan yang tajam?
Akhirnya, metode pembuatan apakah yang paling ekonomis pada laju produksi yang diperlukan, sehingga kompetitif di pasar dan menghasilkan keuntungan. Selanjutnya, metode pembuatan yang tepat dengan perkakas yang tepat, mesin dan peralatan harus dipilih untuk membentuk kawat menjadi paper clip.

Contoh di atas adalah contoh berbagai masalah di dalam produksi suatu produk yang relatif sederhana, pada produk-produk lain mungkin akan dijumpai masalah-masalah yang jauh lebih rumit. Terutama bila produk tersebut melibatkan teknologi tinggi dan diproduksi dalam jumlah banyak sehingga melibatkan banyak mesin, fasilitas maupun tenaga kerja. Sebuah mobil, misalnya, terdiri dari sekitar 15.000 komponen, pesawat terbang transport C-5A terbuat dari lebih dari empat juta komponen dan pesawat Boeing 747-700 terbuat dari enam juta komponen. Semuanya dibuat dengan bermacam-macam proses yang disebut manufaktur (manufacturing). Dengan demikian bisa dibayangkan luasnya area industri manufaktur, mulai dari yang paling sederhana hingga yang paling canggih. Bagi kebanyakan negara industri, manufaktur merupakan tulang punggung perekonomian. Sebagai aktifitas ekonomi manufaktur menyumbang 20 hingga 30% nilai dari produk dan jasa yang dihasilkan di suatu negara.

Kenyataan itu telah membuktikan bahwa peluang sarjana teknik manufaktur masih terbentang luas.

Rujukan: Kalpakjian, S., Schmid, S. R., Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Prentice Hall International, New Jersey, 2001.

Apa itu Manufaktur dan Sejarahnya

Manufaktur adalah suatu cabang industri yang mengaplikasikan peralatan dan suatu medium proses untuk transformasi bahan mentah menjadi barang jadi untuk dijual. Upaya ini melibatkan semua proses antara yang dibutuhkan untuk produksi dan integrasi komponen-komponen suatu produk. Beberapa industri, seperti produsen semikonduktor dan baja, juga menggunakan istilah fabrikasi atau pabrikasi. Sektor manufaktur sangat erat terkait dengan rekayasa atau teknik. - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia


Kata manufaktur berasal dari bahasa Latin manus factus yang berarti dibuat dengan tangan. Kata manufacture muncul pertama kali tahun 1576, dan kata manufacturing muncul tahun 1683. Manufaktur, dalam arti yang paling luas, adalah proses merubah bahan baku menjadi produk. Proses ini meliputi (1) perancangan produk, (2) pemilihan material, dan (3) tahap-tahap proses dimana produk tersebut dibuat. Pada konteks yang lebih modern, manufaktur melibatkan pembuatan produk dari bahan baku melalui bermacam-macam proses, mesin dan operasi, mengikuti perencanaan yang terorganisasi dengan baik untuk setiap aktifitas yang diperlukan. Mengikuti definisi ini, manufaktur pada umumnya adalah suatu aktifitas yang kompleks yang melibatkan berbagai variasi sumberdaya dan aktifitas sebagai berikut:

- Perancangan Produk
- Manufacturing
- Perancangan proses
- Material / Bahan Baku
- Mesin dan perkakas
- Production control
- Support services
- Customer service
- Pemasaran
- Pembelian
- Penjualan
- Pengiriman

Hal-hal di atas telah melahirkan disiplin ilmu tentang teknik manufaktur. Sesuai dengan definisi manufaktur, keilmuan teknik manufaktur mempelajari perancangan produk manufaktur dan perancangan proses pembuatannya serta pengelolaan sistem produksinya (sistem manufaktur). Meskipun teknik manufaktur pada berbagai perguruan tinggi memiliki ke-khas-an sendiri-sendiri namun selalu ada bagian yang sama pada jurusan-jurusan tersebut. Keilmuan teknik manufaktur selalu berbasis kepada aktifitas pembuatan produk manufaktur yang melibatkan berbagai aktifitas dan sumberdaya seperti yang telah diuraikan di atas.

Jika dicermati, bidang ilmu teknik manufaktur sesungguhnya merupakan sinergi (gabungan yang saling menguatkan) dari jurusan teknik mesin dan teknik industri. Dari teknik mesin diadopsi ilmu-ilmu yang terkait dengan perancangan produk dan perancangan proses pembuatan, sedangkan dari teknik industri diadopsi ilmu-ilmu yang terkait dengan pengelolaan sistem di industri manufaktur (industri yang menghasilkan produk manufaktur). Dengan demikian akan ada beberapa matakuliah yang bisa dijumpai terdapat pada ketiga jurusan tersebut (overlapping).

Karena sinergi tersebut, di beberapa perguruan tinggi yang belum memiliki teknik manufaktur sebagai jurusan tersendiri, keilmuan teknik manufaktur biasanya menjadi bagian dari jurusan teknik mesin atau teknik industri. Dengan demikian banyak bidang ilmu di kedua jurusan tersebut yang juga dipelajari di jurusan teknik manufaktur.
Seperti yang telah dituliskan sebelumnya, teknik manufaktur berhubungan dengan produk-produk manufaktur. Yang dimaksud produk manufaktur di sini adalah produk-produk yang pembuatannya melalui berbagai proses manufaktur. Sebagai ilustrasi, mari kita perhatikan dan kita periksa beberapa obyek di sekitar kita: arloji, kursi, stapler, pensil, kalkulator, telpon, panci dan pemegang lampu. Kita segera akan menyadari bahwa semua obyek tersebut mempunyai bentuk yang berbeda. Benda-benda tersebut tidak akan bisa kita jumpai ada di alam ini sebagaimana seolah-olah tersedia begitu saja di ruangan kita. Benda-benda tersebut telah ditransformasikan (diciptakan/dibuat) dari berbagai material dan dirakit hingga menjadi benda-benda yang kita pergunakan sehari-hari.

Beberapa obyek terdiri dari satu komponen, seperti paku, baut, kawat, gantungan baju. Namun demikian, kebanyakan obyek – mesin pesawat terbang (ditemukan tahun 1939), ballpoint (1938), panggangan roti (1926), mesin cuci (1910), AC (1928), lemari es (1931), mesin fotocopy (1949), dan semua jenis mesin, serta ribuan produk lainnya - dibangun dari perakitan sejumlah komponen yang terbuat dari berbagai jenis material. Semua komponen tersebut dibuat melalui berbagai proses yang disebut manufaktur (manufacturing). Disamping produk-produk akhir tersebut, manufaktur juga melibatkan aktifitas dimana produk yang dibuat dipergunakan untuk membuat produk lain. Produk tersebut adalah mesin-mesin yang dipakai untuk membuat berbagai macam produk. Misalnya mesin press untuk membuat plat lembaran menjadi bodi mobil, mesin-mesin untuk membuat komponen, atau mesin jahit untuk memproduksi pakaian. Aspek yang sama pentingnya adalah perbaikan dan perawatan (service and maintenance) mesin-mesin tersebut selama umur hidupnya.


Saturday, April 18, 2009


Puspo Utomo and Sunardi Tjandra
Engineering Management Laboratory
Industrial Engineering Department – University of Surabaya

PT. X is a company that produced and assembled sandals/shoes components. The factory has recruited non permanent workers for the labeling process in the packaging department that consisted of stapling and punching activities. Working position and method caused the operators worked uncomfortably in the cross-leg position on the floor without any adequate supporting facilities and the standard time was 11.04 s.

With the help of Pro-Engineer Software, a fixture using spring and lever mechanism that combine stapling and punching processes was designed and simulated. The minimum force needed to operate this fixture well was approximately 10 N.
Implementing this fixture combined with using a set of table and chair, some improvements on the working condition, method and time reduction have been achieved. Operator complaints and pain were reduced, process time was reduced to 6.75 s., and numbers of labors were reduced too.
Although this fixture has improved the production process, a specific weakness on the reload of the stapler content took the longer time then the initial ones.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Five Things You Should Know About 3D CAD Software (cont.)

3. CAD Software shouldn't make changes hard to deal with

Change is a fact of life, and changes to CAD models can,and do,occur throughout the design cycle.The key to avoiding wasted time is to manage change by managing your CAD data effectively. Doing this requires visibility into data file structures, and having reliable mechanisms for automating design updates.

Solution: “Controlled ” Changes
Today’s powerful 3D CAD software packages give you tools for examining your data hierarchies,and let you be selective in specifying automated updates.This way,you can easily turn off associativity, for instance, to keep a change local, and avoid updating other models.

4. You shouldn’t have to hit a functionality ceiling

3D CAD soft ware should put a full set of design tools in your hands,regardless of whether you’re making plastic toys or race car engine blocks.But if you’re forced to stop and step outside your application for help either with analysis,or manufacturing constraints,or other issues, you not only waste time and potentially introduce data translation errors, but you stifle the creativity that ’s the catalyst for your work.

Solution: Uncompromised Design
The ideal 3D CAD soft ware integrates a robust geometry kernel with a complete repertoire design and analysis applications – all accessible within the original CAD application.

5. Maintenance shouldn’t break the bank

For 3D CAD soft ware, maintenance should mean more than adding security patches.It should include installing new applications,upgrading to new versions,migrating to PLM systems,and even integrating with business planning and financial processes. And maintenance can ’t be kept a low priority, because your CAD software is directly responsible for the quality and competitive differentiation of your products.

Solution:Complete Maintenance Support
High-quality CAD soft ware simplifies installations by permitting web-based downloading, and eases new integration with powerful tools for migrating to more complex applications and systems.

Five Things You Should Know About 3D CAD Software

You may be spending most of your time making design changes instead of creating new designs. But with the right 3D CAD software, you can solve this problem – and quite a few others.

If you ’re a design engineer working in a “typical ” manufacturing company,you may be spending 60%to 80 %of your time updating and optimizing old designs,or making changes for ECOs, instead of creating new designs. Industry-wide studies and PTC surveys confirm this startling fact.
With such a significant portion of your day devoted to design changes,you need a 3D CAD system that simplifies and speeds the change process.
But this is just one of many challenges design engineers can solve by using more advanced 3D CAD software.Here are five essential characteristics of a best-in-class 3D CAD system and how it will enable you to focus on what you do best:design great products.

1. “Easy to use ” doesn’t have to mean “dumbed down ”

It used to be that “easy ” CAD software meant functionally-limited CAD software.But today ’s CAD software offers functionality far beyond what many thought possible 10 or 20 years ago.Making today ’s 3D CAD software easy to use, yet functionality-rich, is a challenge that few CAD software vendors can accomplish. But the best software will feature both familiar command conventions for new users, and thin menu structures for seasoned power users who want to work fast.

Solution:Easy and Powerful
Your 3D CAD software should give you “deep ” functionality that is simple to access and manage. For example,the software should let you design weldments – welded joints – into your model, and then automatically add the weldment information to your design documentation and down-stream structural analysis.

2. 3D CAD Designs should be both robust and portable

Today ’s intelligent CAD soft ware should make it easier – not harder – to reuse designs.It does this by capturing information about the model as you work,and then using that information to make reuse easier.It should simplify the process of accessing older design data with newer versions of the software.

Solution:Robust, Yet Portable Designs
Look for CAD soft ware that lets you capture information about brackets,fasteners,or other component interfaces that you’ve designed into your assembly,and then offers them to you in subsequent projects with similar components and assemblies.More advanced CAD soft ware lets you write annotations directly onto your 3D model, therefore making your design intent clear to future users of your model, even though they ’re using newer versions of the software.

to be continued....

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 offers hundreds of enhancements that optimize global design processes including electromechanical design. With increased performance and new product design capabilities, Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 will take your productivity to a higher level. Highlights of this release include:
Global Design Process Enhancements

* Accelerate your detailed design process
Create both simple and complex designs
o 20 times faster with new Auto Round capabilities
o Using improved assembly performance that reduces retrieval times by up to 50%
o By reducing model preparation time for CAE or CAM applications by 90%
o With powerful, yet easy to use direct surface editing capabilities
o And other new capabilities such as human digital modeling, enhanced data exchange, new JT support, enhanced feature recognition, automated 3D drawing annotations and more!
* Improve your design outsourcing process
Protect your valuable design data with new digital rights management capabilities
* Enhance your verification and validation process
Analyze designs faster and easier with new tolerance analysis, improved meshing, support for nonlinear materials, better results analyses and smarter diagnostics
* Optimize your manufacturing tooling and factory equipment design process
Simplify and automate the transformation of engineering designs into manufacturing processes with the easy to use, powerful process manager for toolpath definition, annotation features and other key capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER

Electromechanical Design Enhancements

* Faster Detailed Design
Create electromechanical designs faster with intelligent, automated capabilities for adding and routing ribbon cables
* Faster ECAD-MCAD Design Collaboration
Accelerate design collaboration with a new interface between MCAD and ECAD designs. Automatically identify incremental changes and cross-highlight between MCAD and ECAD board designs.

And now there are free Pro/ENGINEER capabilities in all Pro/ENGINEER packages. Customers who now upgrade to the latest release of Pro/ENGINEER can take advantage of CAE Lite, CAM Lite, and Manikin Lite capabilities. Visit the Pro/ENGINEER package web page for more information.

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 contains many more new capabilities that will further improve your personal and process productivity. For more information about what's new, please review the Interactive Tour, Top Ten Reasons to Buy Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0, FAQs, and the online Product Release Notes.

*The timing of any product release, including any features or functionality, is subject to change at PTC's discretion.